- Republic Act No. 9729
- Republic Act No. 10174
- National Framework Strategy on Climate Change (NFSCC)
- Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- Philippine First Nationally Determined Contribution
- PH NAP 2023-2050
- PH NDC Implementation Plan 2020-2030
Transport is a key sector in the Philippine economy, linking population and economic centers. Philippine transport system consists of road, water, air, and rail transport. The transport infrastructure has been developed and spread across the country (about 215,000 kilometers of roads, 1,300 public and private ports, and 215 public and private airports). Improving transport infrastructure is critical for strengthening the investment climate and enhancing economic growth (V. Dato, 2010).
An efficient transport is critical for strengthening the country’s investment climate and enhancing economic growth. The islands need to be linked by a seamless transport network to enable the cost-efficient movement of goods and services within the country and to facilitate inclusive economic growth. The drastic increase in vehicle population may be the main contributor to the current traffic situation in the country.
In 2010, there were 3.48 million motorcycles and tricycles in the Philippines, corresponding to more than 50% of all vehicles. Of these, 2.84 million are privately owned, while 0.62 million are for hire, which are mostly tricycles. The rest are owned by the Philippine government. The number of utility vehicles (UV) is 1.96 million. Of these, 1.71 million are privately owned while 0.22 million are for hire. Majority of these for-hire UVs are jeepneys (SNC, 2014). Based on the SNC, the transport subsector contributed 25.93 MtCO2e in the year 2000.
For additional information on the Sectoral Climate Change Mitigation Action for the Transport sector, please contact Department of Transportation- NDC Core Team at [email protected].